Stuck in Life
When life has you stuck, most often the wheels of your mind end up spinning in overdrive. Being stuck is usually a combination of factors: fears and anxiety, struggles from the past, losing track of your purpose, and what you are supposed to be about in this world. The well-worn neural pathways of our brains keep your thinking unproductive and powerless thoughts. The elements of your life can further work against you, and the people in your world complicate and muddy the waters of clear sailing.
In looking at what has you stuck we will explore life in all directions:
Looking Back
What are we dragging with us? The path we've walked in life can deliver a trash load of negative stuff that sets the stage for being stuck. We all have a unique combination of regret, bitterness, shame, heartbreak, rejection and a number of other things that drive you negatively.
Looking Forward
At the opposite end of the scale we, as human beings, have a unique ability to project ourselves forward into the future and pull a whole variety of possible negative circumstance and feelings from the future and bring it to our present day. Such negative future circumstances are usually preceded by the phrase "What if..." "What if I get turned down." "What if I fail?" "What if they see the real me?" Most often these represent a garden variety of fears - fear of failure, fear of vulnerability, fear of intimacy, fear of rejection. Go ahead and add your own projected problem to the list. What an interesting skill to be able to time travel into the future, borrow a truly horrible scenario from there and experience all the negative thoughts and emotions associated with that imaginary event today! It's no wonder we're stuck! How can we move forward in the face of all these gigantic fears
Looking Down
A further factor in the problem of being stuck is a problem from below - your foundations. These can be unstable core values that were laid down before you were even aware there was such a thing as core values. Some of these are not even unearthed until we get in situations of being stuck. Thoughts such as "I'm not lovable," "There's something basically wrong with me," "I'm messed." rise to the surface from unexplored depths and contribute to the stuck-ness.
Looking up
Another debilitating factor in stuck-ness is silence from above. Our rescuers are nowhere in sight. Rescuers are anything we assume will magically lift us out of our situations and make everything right. It can be a parent, someone who loves us or once loved us, God, the Universe, a Higher Power, for some it is money..."When I win the lottery..." Whatever the case, whatever we're looking to for assistance is obviously on a different time schedule and no help is in sight.
Is There Hope?
Yes. Plain and simple. If you are feeling stuck I believe it is a call to change up some things so you can start enjoying life again. It may mean learning new ways of living in this world. It may mean finding resources we didn't know we had. It takes work. Is it worth it? Absolutely.
I am dedicated to exploring the issues of "stuckness" and gladly walk alongside those that know it's time to something different. I am committed to extending a hand to those of you who have fallen but want to rise up more powerful than before.
Absolutely There is!
As a coach and a counsellor, I welcome the opportunity to be your companion on this journey. It's a path I've travelled. Let's explore new possibilities together.
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